I think, based on feedback I’ve received regarding the success of my career, my company, and my academic life – that a lot of people wonder, “How do you do it?” The truth is that I’m not doing anything that anyone else can’t do, too. I just spend a lot more time working on my career, and school work, and my company – I reinvest everything that I make back into my education, developing my career, and advancing my company. I don’t have a personal life that I spend money on for fun. In fact, I really don’t do anything that I would consider fun – it’s all work, and I’m not a ‘dull boy’.

It’s not that I don’t want a personal life – it’s that I prioritize my intelligence above personal relationships. I strive, every day in every way, to become a better person – and not necessarily just for money, either. I genuinely care about my career in ways that other people simply don’t consider, because all of the time that they’re spending with their friends and in their personal lives – I’m spending all of that time working on developing my skill sets. I’m not the type of person that procrastinates on assignments until the last minute that it can be turned in, and I’ll tell you – a lot of people do, because they have personal lives, they have lives outside of school and their career, and those personal lives take up a lot of time, and I mean A LOT OF TIME!!!

I’m not perfect – I’ve done some controversial things in my life, such as being involved in Presidential politics, such as telling my story through this website that no one ever looks at, but it’s all out there for anyone to access at any time of the day or night. And that openness is part of the way that I am successful – because I don’t want secrets to be kept from other people, even though I do live a very secretive lifestyle, i.e. I don’t let nearly everyone come into my home, I don’t let women get close to me. But the fact of the matter is that it’s my choice to be open with the public, it’s my choice to be successful in my career and academics, and it’s my choice to not have a personal life of any significance. You shouldn’t feel sorry for me – because there’s nothing wrong with me – I just don’t like going into my personal life.

You could argue, perhaps that makes me a very personable person – indeed! However, when presented the opportunity to get to know people better in their personal lives, I don’t take any initiatives to do so, mostly because I don’t want to waste my time. No offense – I just don’t want to spend time that I could be studying or working playing video games, or basketball, or anything else – because I love my career. I love going to school. I love not feeling anything for anyone, because it gives me the power to do anything that I want, and I choose to advance my career and my education, and further develop my business. I will not stop doing it until I am making enough money that I am happy with where I am, and that number constantly climbs to higher heights.

However, money isn’t everything. I appreciate that other people have personal lives – that’s great. But when it comes to work, and school, and business, you best not get in my way because I will run the steam roller right over you to get what I want, what I need out of my life, and I don’t care what other people think of me when I do it. Leadership isn’t developed by nurturing other people – it’s developed by leading other people, and when it comes to business, and work, and school – you have to realize that you have to remove your personal life from what you’re doing before you can truly focus on what you need to be doing, and how you need to be doing it.

There are other people like me, and like me, they’d never spend any time trying to get to know me just because I’m like them. They want the same things that I do, and that makes them the competition. The fact of the matter is that I’m willing to take things to the extreme, and do things that are extremely complicated, to succeed in life, and I’m the type of person that likes to do everything by themselves, not because I don’t appreciate others’ work, but because I want to be self-reliant. I want to be able to tell a client, “Yes – I can deliver…” and then go back to my office and build their application on my own, and get paid the equivalence of maybe 10 salaries, maybe hundreds of salaries – it just depends on how good I am for that thing. And then I’ll go and spend it on things that only benefit my business, or my career, or my education, because I’m not looking to play house with someone else and raise children. I want to become a millionaire, a billionaire, or even a trillionaire, and I don’t care how much work it takes to do that – I want to do that.

Maybe you’re asking, “Where do I fit in?” and the answer is that I honestly don’t know – because that’s up to you to figure out. Maybe someday I’ll be hiring people, but when I’m looking at people that I want to hire, I’m looking for people with extraordinary skills like myself, because I don’t want to have to hire dozens of people to get a project done. I want to do it with minimal staff, and I want to do the best job on it. If you want that type of a career, the type where you could make a lot more money, you’ve got to go after it. It won’t come and find you. I could drop out of school today, and work a six-figure job, but the fact of the matter is that it isn’t worth my time, because I have bigger plans. Yes, we need to keep it realistic – however there is no limit to how successful we can be – only the skill sets that we work with in order to achieve success of specific projects, and that’s why I don’t have a personal life, that’s why I spend all of my time working on my career, education, and business.